Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 8

Needless to say, this week has felt like a month, but the hard part is not over.

Although I have stopped drinking carbonated beverages, I have not yet addressed the problem of my sugar addiction.

If you're not from the southern United States (e.g. Kentucky and below) you probably don't have a problem with sweet tea, or may not even know that it exists. For those who have had it, you will understand my issue. I LOVE IT!

For the past 3 years I have used sweet tea as an alternative to soda thinking it is healthier. Actually, sweet tea has the same amount of sugar and calories as most sodas do. The only advantage is the presence of antioxidants, which get rid of free radicals in the body. Something most multi vitamins can take care of anyway.

So, here it is. My next step for "Healthierdom" (Yes, I just invented a word) is to quit drinking sweet tea. This does not include green tea just yet, but that will be on the list shortly.
I live in an area, where the most common blood type is Sweet tea positive so this will be a challenge (please don't take that seriously).

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ramie,
    You might want to check out some products with Splenda (sucralose). ABB diet green tea
    is a good one. Be careful though. You might want to avoid the ones with aspartame sweetener. The jury is still out on them but I know that to much of them will give me a headache and Auntie "M" can't drink them at all
