Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 7


With a long night Tuesday night due to my son straying from his normal sleeping pattern, exhaustion has been my shadow for the past 2 days. I am literally craving a Mountain Dew. I'm not sure whether it's because it tastes so darn good, or if it's because I associate the drink with a caffeine jolt.

Now that my body is finally recovering from the caffeine withdrawals (this is true), I know that a drink of a Mountain Dew would do the trick. However, the whole goal of this project is to lose the dependence on energy from anything but natural fuels like complex carbs.

Anyway I've made it this far and things seem to be looking up. The problem is, is that when I look up I see the Coke machine. UGGHHH!!! Anyway, wish me luck and energy.


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